Xlear products and Xylitol

February 22, 2011

Thanks to Moms Meet, I have been learning all about the benefits of xylitol: a sugar alcohol sweetener used as a natural sugar substitute. Found in the fibers of many fruits and vegetables, it is as sweet as sucrose with only two-thirds the food energy.

Found in nasal sprays, toothpastes, oral rinses, gum and mints, xylitol aids in the reduction of tooth decay, it is safe for diabetics, and approved by the FDA. Look for xlear products at your favorite health food store or online here: Xlear website.

Xylitol is recommended by dentist, medical doctors, and many health organizations and health professionals worldwide as a sweetener for anyone concerned with dental health, upper respiratory health, and sugar consumption in general. Safe for our children but not for our furry four legged friends.

I tried the children's nasal spray on my youngest who had a runny nose and was delighted it helped dry it up. I have also been enjoying the taste of the gum that comes in a variety of flavors. Xlear recommends chewing after meals for as little as five minutes to get the benefit. Studies have shown that incorporting 8-10 grams of Xylitol daily improves overall oral health.

This is a Moms Meet Campaign, Xlear and Spry products were received to review and share with my Moms Meet Group.

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