The Fast Metabolism Diet Book Review

May 17, 2013

The Fast Metabolism Diet

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks and The Fast Metabolism Diet. I received The Fast Metabolism Diet Book for this review. All opinions are mine.

The Fast Metabolism Diet claims to help you lose 20 pounds in 28 days. That is quite a lot of loss for a little time but it has been done by many and although I do not need to lose that much, a few pounds would be welcome and learning why this diet has helped so many is the reason why I signed up for this campaign. Dieting should be a way of life, not a thing you do here and there and the tips in this book are priceless, along with some fabulous recipes with vegetarian and gluten-free options.

The Fast Metabolism Diet in a nutshell is:

PHASE ONE (Monday-Tuesday): Lots of carbs and fruits;

PHASE TWO (Wednesday-Thursday): Lots of proteins and veggies;

PHASE THREE (Friday-Saturday-Sunday): All of the above, plus healthy fats and oils;

Repeat for four weeks!

Cons for me:

*No sugar allowed - "Reach for stevia or xylitol instead."

*No Coffee allowed - "explore caffeine-free coffee substitutes."

*No dairy; No soy; No wheat; No corn; No dried fruit or fruit juices

*No alcohol allowed - "Save your alcoholic drink for the evening, and balance it out with a protein-rich meal. Opt for organic, sulfite-free wines or top-shelf liquor, and always drink eight extra ounces of water for every drink."

*Water, water everywhere. This diet would like you to drink half your body weight in ounces... every day!

I love that there is no calorie counting with this diet and that Haylie wants you to eat three meals a day with at least two snacks! While most of the requests are not something I am going to do. I will however, incorporate all the tips and wonderful recipes I can into my daily routine for proper food habits that I should be using anyway and of which I can teach to my children.

About the Author: Haylie Pomroy is a celebrity nutritionist wellness consultant.

Haylie has helped thousands of clients lose up to 20 pounds in just four weeks, all through the fat-burning power of food. Haylie says "This is not a book for first-time dieters. This is a book for last-time dieters." Hailed as "the metabolism whisperer," Haylie reminds us that food is not the enemy, it's the rehab needed to rev-up your sluggish, broken-down metabolism and turn your body into a fat-burning furnace.

To learn more about The Fast Metabolism Diet, please visit: The Fast Metabolism Diet website or Haylie Pomroy's facebook page and follow Haylie on Twitter.

For me, this book has turned into my go to recipe book when I am out of ideas. Thanks She Speaks! I am excited to repair my metabolism!

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