The Hills of Donegal

December 5, 2011


I have recently returned from two glorious weeks away in wet Ireland, regardless of the weather, it is always a treat to visit this country thanks to my wonderful in-laws. My husband comes from a traditional Irish family, with 2 brothers, 2 sisters, and 8 nieces and nephews. My two children are at an age now (2 and 4) where they really enjoy their cousins. Since my father in laws passing (now 6 years) we stay with his mother on our visits, who is non-stop doing all day long, whether it is cleaning out the fireplace from the night before (they use coal) to hanging out the laundry to dry (no dryers there it is so damp) to preparing meal after meal for all her visitors (she gets 2 grandchildren at 12:30, 2 at 3:30 and 1 just before 5) she always makes them a hot meal too which usually contains potatoes :) She really is a hard working wonderful woman who has taught me so much.

The hardest part about these visits, beside leaving of course, is the journey. It is a six to six and a half hour plane ride (depending on if you are coming or going) and a three to three and a half hour car ride once we arrive in Dublin. We never stop in Dublin either, always anxious to get to the beautiful county of Donegal. The people are so friendly, so thoughtful, so nice, even to this English born gal. I just love them all and I wanted to share with you one of my favorite photos that I always seem to take each and every time I visit. It is the view right outside the kitchen door of my mother in law’s place. Such a sight for this city girl!


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