New Movie Release: The Firing Squad #thefiringsquad #summerblockbuster #movienight

The Firing Squad

Disclosure: I received a screening for review purposes only. All opinions are 100% my own.

The Firing Squad is based on the unbelievable true story of three Christians who face execution by firing squad in a third world country. One of the men, a drug dealer, turned into a devout Christian while awaiting his end and him finding his faith had quite the impact to the rest of the prison occupants. This powerful film is quite eye opening with a very emotional ending. A must see!

Starring: James Barrington, Kevin Sorbo, Cuba Gooding, Jr., Eric Roberts,
Madeline Anderson, Edmund Kwan, and Tupua Ainu.

Look for The Firing Squad In Theatres Nationwide August 2, 2024

This Christian movie premiers in 2,500 theatres
Check The Firing Squad Movie website for more information
(a few free screenings will be available in select key cities).


Inspired by the true story of three Christians who face execution by firing squad in a third world country. Their courage and faith in the days leading up to the execution inspire the entire prison camp and results in a stunning conclusion. Visit:Firing Squad Movie for more information.

Dedicated to the Christians who were executed in Indonesia on April 29, 2015.

Follow along on Instagram @firingsquadfilm and Facebook: @TheFiringSquadMovie

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