Nintendo Switch Game: Endless Ocean Luminous

Endless Ocean Luminous

Disclosure: I received a copy of Endless Ocean Luminous for review purposes only. All opinions are 100% my own.

Apparently, I am late to this game and Endless Ocean Luminous is the third installment in the series (Previous titles: Endless Ocean 1 & 2 for Wii). As long as I eventually get there, right? Endless Ocean Luminous is a game like no other, and my kind of game, diving deep into the ocean to discover sea life in all its glory and wonder! The object of the game is to do solo dives to open up the map and discover the fish of the sea, as well as side missions that open up the story mode.

The Story Mode is short chapters interacting with Sera (AI) and Daniel (Diving Buddy).


Look for the flashing yellow circle to help locate salvage nearby to collect (Press A when close).

Goal: Mystery Board - Find 99 mysteries

Read the tips when waiting for the game to load.

Add fish to your circle to reach an achievment by using the + button and they will follow you.
(add up to 5)

There are disc puzzles to find in the sea. When you get on top of the disc, hold the A button to see a riddle that gives a clue to capture a particular type of creature. Find that creature in the Veiled Sea, and press the + sign to have it join you, then go back to the disc. If you have the correct creature, you will get a reward/achievement.

Helpful on screen tips - If you have already taken a photo of a fish - when you capture it (L) it will have a green check on the photo icon at bottom right.


Press L to capture the fish.
Press A after capturing the fish to learn about each fish.
Press B to unengage and roam the ocean.
Press ZL to take a picture.
When swimming, press B to get a Mermaid kick, do it repeatedly to reach an achievement.
Do not be scared when you go deep and hear the call of the whale.


The music is so nice and relaxing!
I love just swimming around and finding new things and learning about the fish.

This is my first Endless Ocean Game! Have you tried it? What do you think?
Have you tried the first two in the series? (for the Wii)
Please share your tips and tricks!

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